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Introducing our Members

Mr Alan Hayes, MA, BSc(Hons), MRSC, FICPEM, JP

Alan is a local Magistrate/Justice of the Peace, an Employment Tribunal panel member & private sector regulator and was previously a senior police officer serving in the UK and the Balkans.  He is currently an Adjudicator for the CILEx Compensation Fund, Chair of Trustees of a local charity, Training Officer for the local Air Cadet Squadron and Chair of a local Patient's Group. Alan has significant strategic management experience in the public, private & voluntary sectors and has had previous experience as Head of Professional Standards/Internal Affairs and has been Director of Human Resources.  Alan has been a School Governor since 2012, including Lead for Finance & Personnel; Equality & Diversity, before becoming a Founding Member of the Trust in 2019.

Mrs Georgina Holloway

Georgina Holloway is retired. She was previously a school governor and a non-executive director for both the Norfolk and Norwich and the King’s Lynn and Wisbech Hospitals Trusts. She has raised funds for a number of local organisations, is Chair of trustees of one Norfolk charity and a Patron of others. She has recently retired as Chair of Norfolk St John Ambulance Priory Group and President. 

Mrs Valerie Woods

Valerie worked for many years in the NHS in a variety of management roles. Now retired, Valerie is a local Magistrate. In addition, she is a Celebrant Registrar, operating primarily in the West Norfolk area. She is also a Volunteer for The Samaritans and is a Trustee for a local charity, West Norfolk Befriending.

Corty Howard

Corty Howard qualified as a teacher in the late seventies and taught in London for four years before moving to Norfolk. Corty is a Church Warden of St Lawrence Church, Castle Rising.